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AUGUST 07, 2025


2012 State Fair Scholarship Application Available


LEWISBURG, WV (01/18/2012)(readMedia)– Applications for the 2012 State Fair Scholarship program are now available. In association with corporate, civic, and individual contributors and with support from the State Fair Endowment, five $1,000 (four year) scholarship awards will be made to individuals who have participated in one or more of the following areas at the State Fair:

1. State Fair Junior Show – market animals, purebred animals and dairy

2. Equine Programs – State Fair’s Open Horse Show or Junior Horse and Pony Show.

3. 4-H and FFA Youth Exhibit Program – 4-H and FFA Underwood Youth Center.

Applicants must be pursuing a vocational trade, associate or bachelor degree. All applicants must have participated in the junior livestock show, equine show or 4-H and FFA Youth exhibit program within the previous five (5) years.

“2012 will mark the first year for the Gus R. Douglass Scholarship named in honor of his commitment to West Virginia’s youth,” stated State Fair CEO, Marlene Pierson-Jolliffe.

Scholarship applications and supporting documents must be postmarked by March 2, 2012.

Applications are available online at or by contacting the State Fair office at 304-645-1090, email or State Fair of West Virginia, P.O. Drawer 986, Lewisburg, WV 24901.

The State Fair of West Virginia, with an $13.8 million dollar economic impact on West Virginia, is a 501 © 3 non-profit corporation committed to the traditions of agriculture, family entertainment, and education. Dates for 2012 are August 10-18.

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