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AUGUST 07, 2025


State Fair and Smart 529 Announce 2010 Coloring Contest


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LEWISBURG, WV (04/27/2010)(readMedia)– The 2010 State Fair is set for August 13-21 and celebrates agriculture with its “Genuine Homegrown Fun” theme. The State Fair and Smart 529 are looking to West Virginia students enrolled in Kindergarten through Third grade to color a garden scene complete with fruits and vegetables and give their garden a name!

Prizes will be awarded for each grade; Kindergarten through Third and will be judged on the Name, design, creativity and coloring.

Grand Prize: IPOD Nano, $50, and 4 State Fair gate admission tickets

First Prize: $25 cash, 4 State Fair gate admission tickets and First Prize Ribbon

Second Prize: $15 cash, 2 State Fair gate admission tickets and Second Prize Ribbon

For more information and to download your coloring form with rules and guidelines, please visit the State Fair website,

All entries are to be submitted to the State Fair office by mail – Coloring Contest, SFWV/PO Drawer 986/Lewsiburg, WV/24901 and must be postmarked by June 1, 2010.

SMART529 is issued by the West Virginia College Prepaid Tuition and Savings Program Board of Trustees and is administered by The Hartford Life Insurance Company.


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