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AUGUST 07, 2025


Nikolas Graduates from Fair Management Institute


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LEWISBURG, WV (01/20/2012)(readMedia)– Randi Nikolas, Special Events and Concessions Coordinator of the State Fair of West Virginia in Lewisburg was recognized at the 121st Annual Convention of the International Association of Fairs and Expositions (IAFE) as a graduate of the “Institute of Fair Management”.

Launched in 2007, The Institute consists of a series of 32 short courses covering the areas of core competency necessary for today’s professional and volunteers involved in the production of their agricultural fair. Courses cover management, risk management, marketing, programming, operations and year-round facility usage. The courses are offered in a variety of settings – as part of IAFE meetings, via webinars, and in an annual enrollees-only event called The Summit – in a 2 year, repeating cycle.

Nikolas enrolled in the program in 2009 and was one of 27 graduates honored at the IAFE Convention in Las Vegas, NV on November 30, 2011. Currently, there are over 180 individuals enrolled in the Institute of Fair Management from across the US and Canada. She is a native of Greenbrier County and presently serves as Secretary for the Greater Greenbrier Chamber of Commerce Board as well as many other community activities that involve her three daughters.

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