As we say farewell to 2013 and prepare for 2014, we’re reminded of the phrase, “Out with the old, in with the new”. Whether we realize it or not this is often our motto as we work to keep the State Fair of WV ‘new’ each and every year; 2014 is no different. In fact, as we prepare for 2014 we are reminded of the fact that we’re celebrating ’90 Years of Blue Ribbon Traditions’; WOW – 90 years! What was happening in the world 90 years ago? Well, we did a little research and this is what we’ve discovered.

- George Gershwin’s “Rhapsody in Blue” was a huge hit!
- The first ever Winter Olympic Games were held in Chamonix, France. Fun fact; the first ever Gold Medal of the first ever Winter Olympic Games was won by an American!
- In New York City, the first Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade is held, then called the Macy’s Christmas Parade
- Ellis Island is closed as an immigration entry point to the United States
- Fashion, fashion fashion
- IBM corporation is founded
Chartered in March, 1921, the fair was known as the Greenbrier Valley Fair and was held in its current location of Fairlea. From the minute the gates opened on Opening Day until the last visitor left the grounds each night, the Greenbrier Valley Fair offered fun, excitement, entertainment, education, exhibits and so much more to the thousands who came to see the sights. Each year the Fair changes and adapts to reflect the society around it. For two decades the Fair provided visitors the opportunity to escape from their normal lives and discover something new. The Greenbrier Valley Fair was looked forward to with great anticipation and one of the best topics of discussion through the year consisted of planning your trip to the Fair!
One of the most popular events in the state of WV, the Greenbrier Valley Fair, was an ‘end-of-summer’ celebration for families throughout WV and surrounding states. Recognizing the Fair’s tremendous popularity and potential, the State Legislature passed an act that designated the Greenbrier Valley as the State Fair of West Virginia on March 19, 1941. Since that time the Fair has been held annually with the exception of 1942, 1943, 1944, and 1945 due to World War II.
As we prepare to celebrate “90 Years of Blue Ribbon Traditions” in 2014 we invite you to reflect on where the Fair has been and where we’re going – enjoy the photos and share your memories with us by visiting our FB Page or by commenting on our Tumblr post. See you August 8-16, 2014!!