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AUGUST 07, 2025


State Fair Posts Applications for Home Arts & Gardens and Livestock Online


LEWISBURG, WV (05/27/2010)(readMedia)– For decades, families have planned and carefully grown or prepared their “blue ribbon” exhibits for thousands to view. The tradition of growing/making your goods for judging during the Fair is a wonderful learning experience for the entire family, and the State Fair of West Virginia is a great place to share ideas and showcase the best from the family farm!

Changes have been made that will affect how how items can be entered for “Genuine Homegrown Fun”. Home Arts and Garden exhibitors as well as Livestock and Equine exhibitors will need to visit the state fair web site for forms and exhibitor guides. There are two options for entering your items; paper entry (find link on website to download and print) or online (will be made available by June 11, 2010).

The Home Arts and Garden link as well as the Livestock and Equine link can be found under the Fair Menu located on the right side of the webpage. Should an interested exhibitor not have access to the internet, please phone 304-645-1090 and we will be happy to mail the appropriate information.

The State Fair of West Virginia, with an $8.9 million dollar economic impact on Greenbrier County, is a 501 © 3 non-profit corporation committed to the traditions of agriculture, family entertainment, and education. For more information, please visit

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